Allergy and Airline Meetings in Untouched Territories

Why does the Association for Continuing Education and Scientific Research need meeting planning in untouched lands?

As is known, scientific meetings are planned mostly in Antalya, Izmir and Istanbul. When we look at the world scale, it is observed that the meetings are frequently held in cities like Paris, Barcelona, ​​Rome, Prague.

The aim of doing allergy and airway meetings in Uncleaned Soils is to contribute to continuous training. Trace is important to examine the diseases seen in the region and to be able to exchange information with the region’s physicians who have increased experience in the region. Our association regards meeting in these remote areas for education as a duty if it is difficult and tiring to travel outside the cities of interest.

For example, the increased frequency of rhinosinusitis due to the subtropical climate of Cuba is an important cause of the development of endoscopic sinus surgery in this region. In far-flung countries like Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, in many settlements, fungal infections and parasitosis are seen due to the tropical climate, the practitioners working in this region have a lot of experience in these fields. However, while these disturbances are not seen in a different high uncounted uncrushed soil, changes in the partial oxygen pressure are encountered in the different regions due to the dry air.

In the era of globalization of everything we have, we aim to increase professional and cultural communication not only with Europe and America, but with the rest of the world as well. We believe that our profession can play a very important role in establishing bridges between different countries and societies. For the common development of mankind and world peace, we think that the medical profession has much more duties and responsibilities than just doing surgery and drug treatment. Our main motivation on the basis of our projects in the meetings of different countries of the world is our ethical belief that fits this mission.

In this context, as an example, some photos left in remembrance of our December 3rd joint meeting of the 3rd “Untouched Soils Vietnam-Cambodia” are presented below. Photo 1: Our visit to Siem Reap “Kantha Borna Children’s Hospital”, Photo 4: Our visit to Sieam Reap “Heavy Hearing Impaired Education and Handicrafts Workshop” 5 is from Angchor Wat temple stairs and I think that my colleagues who came to Cambodia would not be able to show one of these most magnificent temples of the world. Our vision is to keep the cultural and social aspects of our meetings at a high level in addition to the scientific direction of our meetings.

Our aim is to reach the highest level of knowledge for human health and constantly update the information we have provided, conditions and distance can not be outdated.

With my love

Prof. dr. Cemal Cingi

President of Continuing Education and Scientific Research Association

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