Okmeydani Education and Research Hospital Ear, Nose and Throat clinic had a farewell dinner with the participation of the vast majority of the experts, nurses, audiometrists and staff members who worked in the past.
All food related photos can be found by clicking here
The largest congressional training hospital in Istanbul has added a different meaning to the wide participation of many people who have worked in the past. Young assistants have found the opportunity to meet many brothers and sisters whose names they know only during surgery epicrisis.
The cynical chief Assoc. Dr İlhan Topaloğlu’s retirement to Yeditepe University was organized in the historic Alibaba Fish Restaurant in Istanbul’s favorite places. After the dinner, the night regulator Op. Dr. Önder Dogan ‘ın nice speech after the plaque was presented to Ilhan teacher. Later, many of the people who worked in the clinic with the free lecture, sometimes made emotional bash humorous conversations. Especially my esteemed brother who retired for 7 years, Op.Dr. Levent Eker ‘s speech was highly appreciated. The meaning is different for everybody in the night when they express the great pleasure of the participants
We hereby wish to İlhan Hoca as a team of SEBAD associations happiness and success in his new life.