Dear colleague, We are working to contribute to your education in 2013 as Continuing Education and Scientific Research Association.
In order to be a speaker at our meetings, to present oral or poster presentations, please send your subject headings to or to To be a participant, it will be enough to direct your sponsor.
With my best wishes,
Prof. dr. Cemal Cingi
President of Continuing Education and Scientific Researches Association
3. New York Allergy & Airway Forum April 20-25, 2013 New York – USA (on program and budget site)
10. Rhinocamp Bodrum, 8-12. May, 2013 Hilton Hotel – Bodrum (
5.Solution Summit June 12-16, 2013, Yeşilce-Ordu (
4th ALLERGY & AIRWAY MANAGEMENT MEETING OFF THE BEATEN PATH 4-8 September 2013 Bangkok- Thailand (We are working on it yet)
4th AIPCAL (Allergy Inflammation and Pain- Form Childhood to Adult life) 22-27 October 2013 Cape Town (on our program and budget site)
5th ALLERGY & AIRWAY MANAGEMENT MEETING OFF THE BEATEN PATH 13-18 November 2013 Cuba (on program and budget site)
6th ALLERGY & AIRWAY MANAGEMENT MEETING OFF THE BEATEN PATH 1-7 December 2013 – Peru (We are working on it yet)