Interest in our panel at the World Congress …


The IFOS International Autorhinolaryngology Society of Continuing Education and Scientific Research Association was followed by a panelist interest in the World Congress.

Our association has chosen the non-melanoma skin cancers in the face, whose panel incidence is increasing, and more importantly, the majority of which can be avoided with the measures to be taken.

IFOS 2013 photos can be found at their original resolution by clicking here.

This panel, which our association has planned, is the World KBB, where thousands of offers come from all over the world.

The fact that Congress was involved in the scientific program made us all proud.

Prof.Dr.Cemal Cingi, Prof.Dr. Alpin Güneri, Assoc. Prof.Dr.Timur Akçam, Assoc.Prof. Besides Ümit Taşkın, Op.Dr. Çiğdem Kalaycık Ertugay and Op.Dr. Young speakers such as Tolgahan Çatlı also made us happy.

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